Friday, July 24, 2015

The Social Security Tribunal rush to get rid of Appeals backlog

I finally received the "Hearing Information Form" from the Social Security Tribuanl today regarding my appeal that dates back to my application for Canadian Pention Plan Disability Benefits in 2008, after my MVA of 2007.

A letter was attached stating that my appeal is "ready to proceed". Finally!

The Socal Security Tribuanl is trying to get rid of the backlog of thousands of appeals by this summer:

There was more than enough money to pay Social Security Tribunal members to sit around and do nothing. For the first year of its existence, some tribunal members were paid $100,000 a year without doing any casework. Laws such as these can only be implemented when the population fails to scrutinize and remain vigilant, and falls unquestioningly for the propaganda camouflage.

I hope that when the Tribunal Member that is assigned to my appeal uses the facts, they are never wrong, despite every effort to the contrary.  Lets hope in the big rush by the Social Security Tribuanl to get rid of the Appeals backlog of 14,500 + Canadian appeals that we will all get a fair hearing.

Its already been unreasonable for this to have gone on for this many years, how about at least being fair in the end.


There is also the concern about what happens to justice when “fast” becomes a tribunal’s watchword.   The UK Court of Appeal has recently provided us with a timely word of caution.
In Re S-W [2015] EWCA Civ 27, Sir James Munby, President of the Family Division of the UK Court of Appeal, offered this warning about the dangers of speeded up litigation:  
[54] We are all familiar with the aphorism that ‘justice delayed is justice denied’. But justice can equally be denied if inappropriately accelerated. An unseemly rush to judgment can too easily lead to injustice. As Pauffley J warned in Re NL (A child) (Appeal: Interim Care Order: Facts and Reasons) [2014] EWHC 270 (Fam), [2014] 1 FLR 1384, para 40, “Justice must never be sacrificed upon the altar of speed.”

Surviving a Collision since 2007

SST Backlog – Clearing the Backlog – Admin Law Pitfalls in Government Intervention

Question Period: Shameful Social Security Tribunal Backlog:

Jinny Sims in Question Period: Social Security Tribunal:

Jinny Sims in Question Period: Social Security Tribunal:

14,500 Canadians waiting at Broken Social Security Tribunal:

Social Security Tribunal members earned $100 000 a year to sit

Question Period: Shameful Social Security Tribunal Backlog: 

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